
multiple access communication中文什么意思

发音:   用"multiple access communication"造句
  • 多址通信
  • multiple:    adj. 1.多重的;复合的,复式的,多数的,多样的。 ...
  • access:    n. 1.接近;会面。 2.捷径,门路〔指方法、手段〕; ...
  • communication:    n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书信,口信,通报。 2 ...
  • access multiple:    复存取
  • multiple access:    多处访问; 多工接取; 多路存取; 多路访问; 多路接近; 多路接入; 多路通信; 多元出入; 多址联接; 通信(多个 地面站用一个卫星进行通信)
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  1. Multiuser detection algorithm for ultra wideband multiple access communication systems
  2. Spread spectrum technique is brought forward originally in military communication for antijam and low probability of intercept . it ' s capability in security and antijam makes its expensive applications in the fields of communication and detection . application in multiple access communication techniques accelerates nowadays - 3g technique
  3. Multi - uesr detection ( mud ) refers to signal detection in multiple access communications . this detection has many good properties , such as decreasing multiple access interference , canceling out or moderating near - far resistance , able to decrease the requirement for output control , compensating the effects due to inoptimal orthogonality , improving system performance and increasing system capacity . mud is one of the methods that can overcome the mai in cdma with most potential and complete and becomes one of the critical techniques in the third generation mobile communication



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  7. multiple access computer group ltd 什么意思
  8. multiple access coupler 什么意思
  9. multiple access data system 什么意思
  10. multiple access device 什么意思


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